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RE: Work at Home

Posted By: Dennis Bevers <>
Wednesday, 29 December 2004, at 7:43 p.m.

In Response To: Re: National Capital Funding Group (WAP)


You posted, "Also, is there any legitimate way to work at home, on-line, and not have to pay your way in?"

My answer is that there are relatively few "work at home jobs", and many of those are created by companies for people who are already employees of that company.

However, there are many options for work at home, work from home, and home-based businesses. Accountants, bookkeepers, massage therapists, beauticians & barbers, and many other business people have set up a business in their home.

But for many of those businesses, the clients aren't coming to them, they travel to the client. And where geography was a limiting factor for many in the past, the present age in the US with fax machines, low cost long-distance, and the internet, that barrier has been weakened or removed.

I've been self-employed in my home-based business on a full-time basis since 1987. I still go out on sales calls almost every weekday, calling on clients and prospects across 9 parishes of SW Louisiana and occasionally in Houston. Many of my clients have been buying from me for 12 to 20 years.

Many others are earning a good full-time or supplemental income thru various internet ventures, including selling items on eBay. Others are selling eBooks or cookbooks they have created themselves.

I would venture that the vast majority of those working at home are not employees of someone else. The largest industry that I am aware of that employs home-based workers would be those involved in customer service.

The options available to you for any kind of home-based income, either as an employee, independent agent such as myself, or strictly on your own will be largely dependent on both your skills and your interests. Many positions and businesses that exist wouldn't necessarily work for you.

While I earn an excellent income in my business, it isn't something that will work for everyone. Many people aren't interested in sales, either face-to-face or via phone and internet. Others may lack the motivation to make the necessary contacts and sales calls to keep the commissions coming. And, some would find a commission-only situation to be unthinkable for them.

Obviously, many are cut out to be employees for life. There's nothing wrong in that, it just limits their options.

Good luck in finding a home-based job or business that will work for you. And, feel free to come back here and post any bizopp you are considering, before you invest any hard-earned money in it.

Dennis Bevers

Offering custom printed candles and 800K more advertising products!

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