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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives

BRAVO!! And if I may add my 2-1/4 cents....

Posted By: MaaMaw
Tuesday, 30 November 2004, at 11:44 a.m.

In Response To: Scammers make $$$ off of belief and desperation (Kelly Sutton)

Another HUGE problem is that HONEST people have a really hard time getting it through their thick, honest skulls that there are CROOKS who will look them straight in the eye with nary a twitch and LIE LIE LIE. The scumbeezles have no conscience. They yap and yap about how much money they're making (true or not, usually NOT) and they don't give a rat's a** that there's an honest person born every minute who is going to assume everyone is basically honest (except the "really bad guys," and "they're in jail").

It just ain't so.

And another HUGE problem is that most honest people are also very NAIVE until they've been burned a few times (and also in this category are the wannabes who are downright belligerent and get in your face when you dare to call something a scam): "They've been in this business for two years. If they weren't legitimate, they would have been shut down by now!"


Tsk tsk... you forgot to tell them the other thing they need to do:

Read Scams 101 cover to cover and learn what to look for. Just about everyone can learn to smell a scam a mile away once they learn what to look for (in addition to what you said about not paying for a job, etc.). It's important to know what stinks so you don't get bipswakkled by a clean BBB record, nothing on file with the Attorney General (yet), etc.



Scams 101.... How To Smell a Rat Before It Bites You In the Hiney

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