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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives

Re: Theres Been So Many Scams

Posted By: Kelly Sutton <>
Sunday, 28 November 2004, at 7:56 p.m.

In Response To: Theres Been So Many Scams (Crystal)


Don't give up hope yet--you sound like you're on the right path, just took a few "detours"--maybe because they sounded quick, easy... but there IS no quick and easy when it comes to successful home business. It's more like "slow, takes some work and time"...

I've been working two businesses from home now for quite a while. Are they successful? I think they are--I don't have to work full time outside my house anymore! :)

As one poster said, do what you love. Instead of looking for the "best deal" or the "best payplan" or things like that, look at the things you enjoy. Is there something that, if you were going into business for yourself and knew that sales were going to be involved, what would you sell?

For me, it was easy--my interests include cooking, baking, gardening, candles, penguins, etc. I found the one business that I've been with for nearly five years while looking through recipes and things, and the other, that I've been with for almost two years, when I was reading about a great line of candles and body products on another message board. These businesses "clicked" with me, because they were definitely in line with my interests. How could anyone ever get successful trying to promote a product they have no interest in, and would most likely not ever use?

In my home, I have these products around me on a regular basis now--I love their products personally and will recommend them to others. I took these two home businesses on like real, in the flesh businesses, and I work them as such. If you work at something like it's a hobby, you make "hobby income"... if you work at something like it's a business, you make "business income" -- you choose.

There's not a day that goes by that I'm not doing something with my businesses. Tonight I was doing phone calls and followups by e-mail. Yesterday, I was talking to people personally about my businesses and passing out information. Each day has something going on--it may not be a million hours a week, but I'm in no huge hurry...the key factor is being consistent.

I think every one of us has been guilty at one time or another of signing up with some home business, only to barely even touch it once we get the starter kit... then we wonder why it didn't work. The fact is, hanging out in front of the TV to watch Survivor or The Amazing Race isn't getting you anywhere with your life (a lot of people do this with their spare time--they waste it in front of the tube). So, the questions are:

1. What are your passions? What are the things in life you truly love, love to do, would do it for free if you could?

2. How much actual time do you have in your schedule on a weekly basis? Actually sit and write this stuff down--go over your existing time schedule, block out those times where you have to be available for something, and then see what kind of time you have left over.

3. Do you have a goal as far as what you'd like to achieve in one year, five years, heck.. three months from now?

4. Do you have an idea of what you'd like to make, and how long do you think it'll take to get there?

5. Are you the type of person who could work well at home? Are you a self-starter? Do you ask lots of questions to make an informed decision, or give a good answer? Can you work well without a boss breathing down your neck?
What are your goals, and what is it that currently motivates you?

Anyhow, answer the questions if you get a minute, and we'll see if we can help.

Check out my website below if you're interested in part of what I've been doing!

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