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Scams outnumber legitimate biz ops about a bzillion to one, so it's well worth your time.

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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives

I hate to say it but I must!

Posted By: Kimberly Bollmann
Sunday, 28 November 2004, at 7:19 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Theres Been So Many Scams (Dennis Bevers)

Hi Crystal,

The thing I like most about your post, is that you haven't given up on your dreams to financial independence. I was the same as you. I have been in home businesses for 7 years. Yes I also have had my ups and downs. Its the strong ones that are willing to take the fall, get back up and dust themselves off. They are the ones that will not quit until they are successful.

Now, I hate to say this but I must. All to often people are so quick to call something a scam. So many people are capitalizing on this SCAM WAR. They are writing ebook after ebook on what to look for in a company, to company reports etc... Its rediculous how much people are making off of other peoples fears to get burned.

Though you may not have been successful in a given opportunity, it is not a reason for it to be labled a scam. There are so many reasons people fail in business from support, to lack of an advertising budget to... as others have said here, just not being passionate about what your promoting.

I too have been in businesses that I left unhappy with. I do not go around calling them scams. To some, the product is worth it... to others the support is excellent. The nice thing here is that we all see things just a little different and we're entitled to our opinions. Something will work for someone and not for the next. Doesn't mean its a scam unless it has been advertised falsly or has no product.

I will admittedly say I dont know about vitamin businesses... and envelope stuffing is right there on the border... but bottom line is you lost money. Your upset and wanting to find something a little more your speed. Many people are in that boat and the good news is you have come to the right place to find info on oppportunities.

I believe its fair enough to say everyone posting is promoting something. You can learn alot by looking through message boards... but understand most message boards are filled with opinions. Look at the links at the bottom of the posts to see what kind of businesses people are promoting... you will probably find something you like. Then ask around but take the feedback as opinions as you start to do your due dilligence on the company. DO yourself a favor and thoroughly search out the company so you know exactly what you are getting into. You don't need to buy someones ebook telling you what to look for... you already know. Look inside yourself, look at biz opps and something will resonate with you.

Enjoy your journey!


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