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Scams outnumber legitimate biz ops about a bzillion to one, so it's well worth your time.

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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives

Scammers make $$$ off of belief and desperation

Posted By: Kelly Sutton <>
Tuesday, 30 November 2004, at 10:53 a.m.

In Response To: Theres Been So Many Suckers (Ron)

I talk with a lot of people, online and offline, everyday. One of the most common things I hear is that "I want to find something to do from home, but I don't want to do sales, I just want to find something I can do on the computer--I don't want to start my own business, I just want a job, where I get a weekly paycheck."

And herein lies the problem.

See, the scammers KNOW all of that. They KNOW that people are desperate to believe that these types of things they write up this amazing ad copy, telling people how it's really, really easy, and that they can make LOTS of money, and they tell these desperate people, "We'll do all the work for you".

They know that these types of jobs don't exist, but that there's plenty of people online that DON'T know that, and plenty of people who come onto the internet for the first time, every day, that don't know that.

Every day, there's someone new who comes across a chain letter promising riches that states right in it, "I called the Post Office and they said this was COMPLETELY legal!" but don't ever bother to call the post office THEMSELVES to find out if it is or not (and it's NOT)....

Every day, someone comes across an ad for processing HUD refunds, sends out their money, then through asking on message boards, finds out that they've been had. Every day, another person falls for yet another "stuff envelopes and make LOTS of money!" scheme.

It makes it really, really hard for those of us who are promoting legitimate businesses and legitimate ways to make money--because those folks who are getting scammed every day are much less likely to trust anything they read online after they GET scammed.

But, at the same time, it teaches--the hard way. DON'T pay for an at-home job. The at home jobs out there are few and far between, and most are looking for specialized skills, like computer programming or advanced web design. DON'T believe a company that says, "We'll do all the work for you"... DON'T believe blatant hype like, "Make 4,000 a week" or "Make 4,000 a month" or any of the other drivel like, "Join NOW, spaces are limited!" A GOOD opportunity will BE good--this week, this month, next year.

Above all, DO some actual research on a company BEFORE signing up. Don't simply rely on personal testimonials from other people. Look at the BBB. Look on the RipOffReport. ASK people you know, both online AND offline, if they've heard of the company. Contact the attorney general's office in the state the company's located in. Ask plenty of questions--and don't bother to sign up if ALL your questions can't be answered honestly and openly.

It's not just your time and money on the line when it comes to working at home.. it's your reputation, too.

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