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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives

Yes! Please be Candid!

Posted By: Jim
Sunday, 3 April 2005, at 1:15 a.m.

In Response To: Let me be candid with you.... (TonyRush)

You have explained absolutely nothing.
My responses are interlaced below:

> Jim,
> Let me be very candid with you: I couldn't possibly care less what someone
> here thinks about our home business. My post was about the Rudl Report and
> I left a link simply because it was an option.

1. This is candid? I thought you might have actually decided to tell us about your business. In the rest of your post, you dropped tiny little hints, but nothing concrete.

2. You must care what we think to some extent, or you'd have just packed your bags and moved on to some other forum where you can try to subtly peddle your wares.
When leaving your link, it is a known (yet, subtle) marketing method to bring traffic to your website. Nothing wrong with it on most forums, as long as you aren't hyping your posts (which you didn't and I do give you credit for that part). However, if you are going to leave your link on a forum such as this, you hopefully have an above-board site that meets the ethics of what is promoted by most on this forum.

3. Let's look at your original post about the Rudl report:

Mia, skip the Rudl Report.

In a nutshell, it tells you to sign up in Corey Rudl's affiliate

program and then buy all those products through your own affiliate

link. The end result is that you'll be paying retail price but

getting a commission on your own purchase.

I've yet to figure out why anyone would want to sell that little

tidbit since Corey is pretty open about the fact that he allows it.

First of all, at least you know what you are being offered. Second, Corey Rudl has actually built a business and is open and honest about how to do it. Third, you have the gall to slam his product, yet won't reveal what your "product" is.

> I've been working from home fulltime since 1996. I joined a nutritional
> company while I was working as a bookseller in a Waldenbooks. Within 90
> days, I was fulltime and within one year I was a top ten distributor.

Great! You went from selling books to Herbalife? Is that MLM?
Well, I don't still don't know, but you don't provide enough information, so you leave us to make assumptions. So when you keep everything so Secret, it makes people wonder what you're hiding and we tend to expect the worst.

> Today we have multiple streams of income that include a home business that
> provides us well over six-figures a year. Additionally, we own an
> advertising company that provides leads for clients in more than 26
> different companies. Not bad considering that we only take new clients by
> referral and do have never spent a dime on advertising our services.

Again, we are left to assume... an advertising company that provides leads for 26 different companies? You sell email addresses for spamming?
How did you get your first customer that started all the other referrals?
And without advertising? Cold-Calling?
(Anyone that doesn't advertise their business won't be in business for long)
This could get weary trying to ascertain what you are trying not to say.

> Now, it's obvious from your attitude toward me as well as the tone of your
> other posts that you evidently have very little to do. Perhaps these
> forums give you an opportunity to display an academic knowledge of the
> direct-sales industry.

My attitude and tone have nothing to do with how much I have to do. Yes, I could be doing a lot of other things (and I should probably be doing them right now), but I also am not one to let someone start off trashing someone else's product, then stick their snake-oil tag at the end of their post. However, even if I were retired and had nothing to do but sit here and offer a little honest advice, doesn't mean that it's of no value. And if it were to keep someone from falling victim to a get-rich-quick scheme, then it's of great value to someone and I don't mind "making the time" to do so.

My academic knowledge is an on-going learning process of many things, which I do pride myself on. Experience is also a valuable method of learning, which I've gained lot of, from this aspect, as well. However, the more we learn from others, the less time we have to spend to learn lessons the hard way. As I outlined in a previous post, I spent quite a few years as a corporate instructor teaching security and customer service, among other things not related to this particular topic. How is it that I'm so familiar with the FTC and other laws? I'm also an auctioneer. Most people don't understand that a professional auctioneer has to keep up-to-date on laws, as they can be held responsible for what they sell, how they represent it, marketing, and the liabilities that come with handling all sorts of businesses. And you thought all they did was talk fast? I spend a lot of time reading and keeping abreast of all sorts of business and consumer regulations, laws, and many other aspects of running a business, both online and off. In other words, I do my homework.

> But, I learned a long time ago not to take health advice from fat doctors
> or to take financial advice from people who weren't as successful as me.
> And to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure you're qualified to tell me
> anything about success working from home.

Look Kiddo... You haven't been perfectly honest about anything here.

Just because a doctor is fat, doesn't mean he doesn't have the knowledge to help you stay healthy, it may only mean that he may not have the personal fortitude to observe what he knows, or perhaps he spends so much time sitting on his butt researching that he doesn't have time to follow his own advice. To discount his knowledge, may only mean that you may be the ignorant one. Don't make assumptions based on someone's appearance. Had you ever met Sam Walton, you'd have never guessed that he was the owner of Walmart, as he often wore overalls and drove around in a beat-up pickup truck. I think he made over 7 figures ;) LOL

As far as working from home? I do work from home and all over... do I make 6 figures? No. But so far, I don't know that you do either. That's only what you claim. You also claim that by "qualifying" for your opportunity, that I can make $250,000/year. You claim that you did that in your first year? Care to share your tax records? I doubt it.

By the way, I'm still trying to figure out what I might have to do to "qualify"... I'm over 18. Do I have to have a certain amount of disposable income to put into this "opportunity"?

The one thing I DO know... What I do is HONEST and people know up-front what I can offer them and what it is going to cost them. No Secrets... No Hype... and after telling them all of that, I'll even send them a copy of the contract, so they can review it with their lawyer first. And I might even pay all the costs out of my pocket first, and then deduct them from the proceeds. That means no up-front money out of their pocket.

> So, no, I won't be spending my time explaining my business to you,
> "MawMaw" or anyone else who asks for information here.

Of course not... you'd definitely expose yourself. Then we'd know what you're really trying to sell. Next thing ya know, people will be talking about your opportunity on other forums, too.

> That's not my role here nor do I waste my time trying to find
> prospects in discussion groups.

Then why do you post your URL on this forum?

> My initial post was a contribution to the forum and a helpful reply to
> someone asking about the Rudl Report.

See above... regarding your "helpful" reply. I would disagree that it was helpful and was only to get her to click your link and draw her into your web of deceit.

> The rest of this issue was completely instigated by you. So, yes,
> the nature of this conversation is 100% your responsibility.


> I hope that clarifies,

NOPE... you haven't clarified a single, solitary thing. We're still waiting.

> Tony Rush

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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives is maintained with WebBBS 3.11.

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Scams outnumber legitimate biz ops about a bzillion to one, so it's well worth your time.

(you know who you are... you scream "Foul!" when the truth comes out)
        PLEASE READ THIS LEGAL NOTICE CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU FILE A LAWSUIT OR EVEN WASTE TIME THINKING ABOUT IT.  It has been done before, but never successfully.  In fact, the last dodobird who tried it ended up being ordered to pay more than $77,000 in attorney fees ($65,000+ to my attorneys and $12,000+ to my co-defendant's legal advisor).
        If your attorney is worth his salt, he's going to tell you that the expense of filing a lawsuit you can't win is a whole lot worse than any "damages" resulting from messages posted on this insignificant little chunk of cyberspace.
        NEWS FLASH:  I didn't just climb down off that ol' turnip truck yesterday.  I'm well aware that expressing a negative opinion, relating one's personal experience, and restating provable facts are all legal in this country and do not constitute libel, slander, or defamation -- so you don't want to play games with me, and you sure don't want to start something you aren't prepared to finish.  I don't take threats lightly, and I don't accept bribes (or did you call it a "mutually-beneficial arrangement"?).  I'll turn you in faster than you can yell, "ARREST ME, I'M SCUM!!" 
        Do yourself a favor and turn your legal team loose in greener pastures.

        Although we may, from time to time, monitor or review discussions, postings and the like on the Friends In Business (Scams 101) Message Board, we are under no obligation to do so.  We are not responsible or liable for any claim arising from the content of any such discussions or postings or for any error, defamation, libel, slander, omission, falsehood, obscenity, pornography, profanity, danger, or inaccuracy contained in any information contained within such locations on the Site.
        You are prohibited from posting or transmitting any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic, or profane materials or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law.  You are likewise prohibited from posting any false claims against any company or individual.  We will fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of anyone posting any such information or materials.
        By posting messages and/or content on the Friends In Business (Scams 101) Message Board, you give permission for Lesley Fountain/Friends In Business/Shoestring Success Publications to display, distribute and use the posting and content for publication, advertising, promotion, excerption or example. You grant Lesley Fountain/Friends In Business/Shoestring Success Publications complete, perpetual, but non-exclusive rights to use, archive, reproduce, adapt, modify, distribute, sub-license, repurpose, rework, compile, or offer for sale or resale the messages, postings or content appearing on this site in whole or in part, throughout the world and universe, on a royalty-free basis without remuneration.  If you cannot accept or agree with the terms of service for this website and discussion board, you are advised not to post on this board.
        In closing, I would like to remind you once again that it is still legal, in this great country of ours, to express a PERSONAL OPINION, as long as it is presented as opinion and not as fact.
        And finally, all you scammers out there will do well to remember that TRUTH IS AN ABSOLUTE DEFENSE against charges of libel, defamation, and slander... so if you're operating just a hop, skip, and jump ahead of the law, you might want to think twice before doing anything stupid... (AND SHAME ON YOU!!).