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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives


Posted By: Mel. White
Thursday, 3 February 2005, at 6:34 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Frankly, by investing (ERIC)

> i would NEVER thought of that as a marketable item.

Yes OFFline the minicomics market is not bad if you have a product that appears on a regular schedule (quarterly, even.) You do have to go to comic book conventions and run a mail order, and keep yourself visible.

> Did you produce them yourself-drawing/writing or did you get them other
> people?

Yep. Did the whole thing myself. They sold for about $2.00-$3.00, run about 20-24 folded pages (so six sheets of paper), and at that price I could sell them to resellers. My latest effort did poorly but I'm returning to the market after 8 years of idleness. I need to build interest in the product by doing some stories ( 6-pagers) for comic book anthologies.

I also did some how-to manuals on online gaming sites, and they were quite popular (comic book buyers are often on line gamers); it's not unusual for the average buyer to toddle off with $40 worth of merchandise at one purchase.

...and then you also do commissions at those conventions.

Lucrative, but hard work.

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