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Re: Growing small amounts of money- how to do it?

Posted By: Larry Foster <>
Wednesday, 2 February 2005, at 11:02 a.m.

In Response To: Growing small amounts of money- how to do it? (eric)

Eric. In name only is this a business forum. I do get some good info here from time to time and try to contribute meaningfully to it. However, I am the renegade contrarian here.
Most of the people here are very afraid of being ripped off (and it does happen; there are scams)and have to dwell and be reassured that the $40 investment to learn about an opportunity.
That being said,if I were looking to "grow $500 or $1000", I would do some of the following:
1.Buy Dan Kennedy's Ultimate marketing Plan and Ultimate Sales Letter. Max $20 total.
2.I would do a review of what I know,like and see what opportunities I could capitalize on.
3.I would buy and read Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad to learn how to change my thinking about money and business. Estimate another $20
Here is where some of the ideas spread out, but all involve starting a business.
A. Start a sweat equity part time business. Examples:Lawn care, on site car washing (there is an occasional contributor here by the name of Pete Egeler who knocks out a couple hunded bucks a day part time at this.
A1. Systematize and sell the above.
B.Develop an info product that could be marketed on an area of expertise. (Research online for a demand first, hire a 14 year old kid who is a computer geek and buy him a couple pizzas, chips and lots of Pepsi and have him put up a site on that. Go to Google and carefully invest some of the remaining funds in pay per click, drive traffic and sell the product.
Ultimately, I would use the bulk of the $ on marketing, either flyers, if local or clicks on Google.
C.Pay $100 each to option 5 properties and sell them for big profits.
I could sit here and come up with more.
If you want to talk about this, no strings attached, email me at blackstonecap AT
I'm not going to sell you anything or spam your email or take any of your money.
This has been fun and I am sure it will benefit me by giving me ideas.
If this is something you (or anyone) would like to do, you know what to do.

> What is the best way to grow 500 or 1000?

> If you had 500 to 1000, how would you go about making it grow?

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