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Re: Growing small amounts of money- how to do it?

Posted By: The Roadie <>
Wednesday, 2 February 2005, at 8:15 a.m.

In Response To: Growing small amounts of money- how to do it? (eric)

> What is the best way to grow 500 or 1000?

Grow what? Tomatoes, peppers, cockroaches, warts?

Now, assuming you're talking about money:
Safest: put it in the bank. Slow, but safe.

> If you had 500 to 1000, how would you go about making it grow?

Invest it in a company whose stock I was sure was going to go up. :-) Extremely difficult to guarantee stuff like this, since day-to-day variations often mask a growth trend.

But fundamentally, money doesn't "grow" like a plant. It's better if you stop thinking that way. You can "invest" money for some period of time, in which case you are "rewarded" by being able to get something back (hopefully more than you invest) at the end of the period. But the amount of possible reward is usually tied into this little concept called "risk."

You can minimize the risk by careful research, or investing in places where the volatility is low, but that also usually minimizes the reward.

Basic economic theory 101. Please tell me you have read or taken a class in the bare basics of money, and are not just trolling the board.

Chain letters - expensive and risky

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