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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives

Re: National Capital Funding Group

Posted By: jd <>
Monday, 3 January 2005, at 7:17 p.m.

In Response To: Re: National Capital Funding Group (Jo in Oregon)

> I was interested in NCFG when I saw an ad in the paper and was low on funs over Christmas. I called and gave them my acount info, that night I looked them up on line and found this site, you helped me be wiery and I went to my bank the next day and did a stop pay on the check as well as an ACH stop pay for any amount from this company. IN about 3-4 days I saw the $89.00 come through my acound and the bank returned it. I haven't seen any info on this buisness send to my home yet. They did tell me that I would get the info before I would see the money leave my account. I also haven't been able to reach any one when I try the number either. BE CAREFULL AND WATCH YOUR ACCOUNT CLOSELY!!

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