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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives

Re: I don't know anything about this company....

Posted By: Michael J McMillan <>
Wednesday, 29 December 2004, at 3:52 p.m.

In Response To: Re: National Capital Funding Group (WAP)

...But I do know this: If you're being asked to invest in an outfit and give them your bank account number, but they in turn won't answer the simplest questions....RUN AWAY! If they're not a scam, they'll do until one comes along.

> Yeah, I got the runaround from the guy I spoke to and when I asked
> questions he hesitated to give me an answer and the answer was evasive. So
> I think we should just keep away from work at home jobs. Think about it,
> if there are work at home jobs out there and they are so good why aren't
> these people that are answering our calls grabbing them?

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