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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives

Re: National Capital Funding Group

Posted By: Jennie <>
Wednesday, 22 December 2004, at 10:01 a.m.

In Response To: Re: National Capital Funding Group (just as skeptical)

I just talked to someone from National Capital Funding Group and the job they offered did seem too good to me to be true. I too am skeptical about giving my bank account information and social security number to a company that I know virtually nothing about. The only things I know are those that popped up on my Google search and it is not looking good. Does anyone know if this thing is real? Do they actual pay you, or is it a scam? Please reply if anyone knows.

> Hi,
> Seeming like a too good to be true work at home job I called and spoke to
> a NCF company rep who asked & then answered some questons, ultimatly
> taking me to 2 websites to verify the exsistance of the company. My
> concern came after she asked if I'd submit checking account & social
> security #'s as a way to receive payment if I decided to take the job. I
> told her I would have to get back to her after discussing the detalis with
> my husband.I received her rude reply to the matter of "trust"
> withen my relationship & that she couldn't guarentee a spot for me if
> I called back. I replyed trust in my relationship wasn't the issue.
> Respect for house money (the 89.00 fee)and feedback from him was. I then
> decided to check Dun & Bradstreet for a credit report on the company,
> but would have to spend over 100.00 to get a report that would give the
> info needed. I'm not in that big of a hurry to pay for that info right
> now, but for anyone that is and would like to share what they learn with
> us we'd all be grateful I'm sure! Happy Holidays and good luck to us all
> in finding some work...

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