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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives

This is stupid.....

Posted By: MaaMaw
Tuesday, 8 February 2005, at 8:17 a.m.

In Response To: Re: FOR CRAPSAKE, MATT!! What part of my post didn't you understand??? (Mazu)

> Yes I sent you a course and asked for your honest opinion. I never heard
> back from you. You say you didn't like it? How is that being a lady again.

As I recall, we talked about my promoting your course on FIB (as an affiliate). If you simply wanted my opinion, then I apologize for misunderstanding. Your course wasn't new. You had opinions all over the place. I didn't think mine would make a difference one way or the other, and if that's all you were looking for, then like I said, I didn't understand that.

> I got great letters on that course for years I am sure there was something
> you liked about it, It was 600+ pages. That is fine but hearing this from
> you directly is professional. Not, "I am not a fan". That is
> bashing me. You might as well say my stuff "totally sucks".

Yes, of course there were things I liked about it, but I didn't feel it compared favorably to Corey Rudl's course in any way, shape, or form. That's why I chose not to promote it. I probably should have offered to send it back. I'm sorry, but I didn't think about that (and since you contacted me and I didn't contact you, I probably wouldn't have willingly coughed up the postage at that point either).

I'm not being hostile; I have no reason to be hostile (at least I didn't until that "you're too important" comment). I am simply stating my personal opinion.

Saying "I am not a fan" was NOT intended to bash you. I was stating a fact -- that I am not personally a fan of your stuff. That doesn't make it bad, and it is NOT the same as saying your stuff "totally sucks."

I have NEVER said your stuff "totally sucks." I have never said it "sort of sucks." In fact, I have never said it sucks at all.

Since we're talking about this, and since I never gave you the feedback you were apparently looking for, I will tell you now that the hype on your sites bothers me a bit. (It also bothers me on Corey's sites, which is why I tone it down in my own recommendation and why I send *everyone* there first -- so I'm not saying his is good and yours is bad. I'm just saying it bugs me -- and it especially bugs me in relation to the Ecurrency trading.)

> For all the talk on your site from clowns talking about bringnig down
> scams, I am on the front lines. The law suit (yes real suit) I have going
> on will actually stop a big leaguer from suing others and they have sued
> plenty. But I guess you and others don't know anything about this.

I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but I guess it's a good thing you're doing. And for the record, I have *never* talked about personally "bringing down" scams except in relation to Summit Photographix. I don't claim to be on the front lines when all I am is a mouthpiece.

> We are
> on the same team (at least I though) but I have been wrong on the past.

I have nothing against you, and I never said I did. You're the one who went off the deep end here.

> If your brownies are like your opinions I should probably pass.

They make good grenades.



P.S. If I were "out to get you" and I thought your stuff "totally sucked," I would be zapping your links faster than you can type 'em.

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