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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives

About Mazu...

Posted By: Dale...
Tuesday, 1 February 2005, at 4:19 p.m.

In Response To: Re: One more thing to remember.... (Amy)

> Hi Amy,

I ordered a course a few years ago from Mazu and found it to be very informative...I was also surprised that, true to his advertising(at the time), Matt Gagnon himself answered the phone and spent about 10 minutes addressing my concerns before the purchase...

Unfortunately, like a lot of us, I didn't do much with the course, but that's my fault, not his...

As for the price of his new stuff and finding a lot of it "online", well price, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder...if he spent the time accumulating this info and putting in to a format that is easy to understand then shouldn't he deserve to be paid for that effort?

And if he can get 299.00 for it, more power to him!

Again, the "worth" of this material is subjective...if you do nothing with it, then it's worth nothing, but if it helps you make a decision to do something that ultimately pans out for you, then it is certainly worthwhile...

I have not purchased this course and am not an "affiliate" of Matt Gagnon, but I just think that judgement should be reserved until you try for your refund and are denied, etc...

Please let us know what happens...I will say that he had a proviso in terms of the refund on the material I bought...he placed non-sensical words thoughout the text as a way of you proving to him that you had read the material before getting a refund(lol) would have to know something like 10 words from the text to qualify-

He felt that this way, he helped ensure that people didn't order the stuff, copy it, and then request a refund...

Jus my 2 cents,

Good Luck,

I really don't know how much I can say about MAZU without fear of him
> coming at me with some lawsuit, as he makes it VERY clear that you do NOT
> share any of what you get on the CDs with anyone. But I think I will go
> ahead and say this, because I'm not sharing anything from the CDs with you
> all, I am simply sharing my experience...

> I have been able to find almost word for word what was sent to me. Except
> for the interview stuff, which in my opinion, wasn't worth my time. Lots
> of talking, little teaching. The link that I found and that is in my
> previous post is really almost the exact same thing I got in the CDs. It
> seems very suspect to me. Not sure who is ripping off who here, but I know
> I don't want anyone else to get caught in the middle of that stuff.
> Someone, somewhere is not being honest. I guess eventually it will all
> wash out, but for now I think I'm just going to hide and watch. :-)

> Again, this all just my very humble opinion,

> Amy

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