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Humble opinion is the important part

Posted By: Mazu
Monday, 7 February 2005, at 11:04 p.m.

In Response To: Re: One more thing to remember.... (Amy)

Dear Amy,

While I appreciate your frustration.

I would love to see what you found word for word considering me either paid a fee or created the content ourselves.

If you knew about this resource why did you pay us? OH.........Beacuse you didn't even know about the opportunity until we introduced you to it. Is that worth something? Apparently not.

I have paid $10,000 for an introduction before. I sent a $3,000 gift to a guy that taught me to trade stocks. Was the $3,000 worth? You bet it was. He taught me short stocks not long after that. I get tired of people that complaint (YES COMPLAIN) I could have found this cheaper or I could have figured it out myself. Then why did you order stuff from us? Because that isn't true. You could say this about any sort of teaching, mentoring or seminars.

The opportunity is read. We teach how to do it. Could you have learned cheaper? Of course but that doesn't include phone support or any of the other things we throw in. We charge $299 which is a steal. You act like we milked $10,000 out of you.

The opportunity is real. Now you can either complain about it or go and make money. You can't do both.

503-614-8221 Ext 202.

> I really don't know how much I can say about MAZU without fear of him
> coming at me with some lawsuit, as he makes it VERY clear that you do NOT
> share any of what you get on the CDs with anyone. But I think I will go
> ahead and say this, because I'm not sharing anything from the CDs with you
> all, I am simply sharing my experience...

> I have been able to find almost word for word what was sent to me. Except
> for the interview stuff, which in my opinion, wasn't worth my time. Lots
> of talking, little teaching. The link that I found and that is in my
> previous post is really almost the exact same thing I got in the CDs. It
> seems very suspect to me. Not sure who is ripping off who here, but I know
> I don't want anyone else to get caught in the middle of that stuff.
> Someone, somewhere is not being honest. I guess eventually it will all
> wash out, but for now I think I'm just going to hide and watch. :-)

> Again, this all just my very humble opinion,

> Amy

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