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Re: One more thing to remember....

Posted By: Paula
Thursday, 3 February 2005, at 7:37 a.m.

In Response To: Re: One more thing to remember.... (Amy)

> I really don't know how much I can say about MAZU without fear of him
> coming at me with some lawsuit, as he makes it VERY clear that you do NOT
> share any of what you get on the CDs with anyone. But I think I will go
> ahead and say this, because I'm not sharing anything from the CDs with you
> all, I am simply sharing my experience...

> I have been able to find almost word for word what was sent to me. Except
> for the interview stuff, which in my opinion, wasn't worth my time. Lots
> of talking, little teaching. The link that I found and that is in my
> previous post is really almost the exact same thing I got in the CDs. It
> seems very suspect to me. Not sure who is ripping off who here, but I know
> I don't want anyone else to get caught in the middle of that stuff.
> Someone, somewhere is not being honest. I guess eventually it will all
> wash out, but for now I think I'm just going to hide and watch. :-)

> Again, this all just my very humble opinion,

> Amy


In regards to Amy's comments, is there anyone out there that has made any significant amount of money in e-currency exchange? If so, did you do it through DXGold? Also, in your opinion is this 100% legal?

Thanks, Paula

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