It took me almost two decades to figure out the reason I've always run my art/writing activities as a business—even when I haven't needed the money—is that I enjoy being a business-person. It's hard work, it's maddening, there are a thousand little details to track... but I like it all, even the fussy bits. So I've decided to unpack some of that knowledge to you in the hopes that you can use it.
This entry is Part 1 of 3 in a series entitled "Many Roles" about being a business-person in a creative field. In this post, I cover the three basic roles: Business Manager, Marketer and Artist. Artist can be taken to mean any artistic endeavor: writing, craft-making, singing... whatever you're trying to make money on. Veterans of larger companies will note that I've folded Sales into Marketing, which is a personal bias. -_-
Without further ado, then, the Three Micahs!
When running a creative business, you have several roles, all of which have responsibilities and work modes. I name these the Business Manager, the Marketer and the Artist, and have detailed them below.
Creative and Social
Your Marketer self is the one that spends most of her time thinking about, interacting with or guessing at what other people want. This can be a surprisingly creative process. The first question that she holds in her mind is: "How would I like to be treated as a customer?" (followed closely by "How do other people seem to like to be treated?")... which means you spend a lot of time delighting yourself by figuring out what makes you happy and trying to do that for other people.
Your inner Marketer is in charge of taking sales, revenue and expense data and using it to figure out which of your tasks are the most profitable. For instance, the Marketer might notice that selling prints at a show takes roughly 20 hours and makes $800 before expenses and $600 afterwards... while selling a single original might take 8 hours, make $500 before expenses and $450 after; this would lead your Marketer to tell Business Manager and Artist at their next meeting: "Hey, stop going to shows and produce more originals."
• Customer Care
The Marketer is also in charge of dealing with customers. She's the one who figures out how to attract them, the one who closes the sale (and decides how to manage the sale process to make the customer feel special) and the one who keeps in touch with them afterwards to see if they're interested in new products. The Marketer's also the one who deals with problems: yours (oops, I was late delivering something I promised: here's my apology and a coupon or free cool thing) or theirs (ack, the post office bent your print, let's discuss what we can do about that).
• Product Management
Your Marketer is the one who develops new products and maintains existing ones. There's more than one way to sell an artist's labor; the art you make is not a product until the Marketer figures out how to sell it. You might choose to license it, sell commissioned work, package it as a book, sell it as prints, collaborate with someone else to create a different item... the possibilities are as endless as your imagination.
• Research and Advertising
When you sit down to update blogs, do social networking, respond to customer queries, enter contests, send work to juried shows, design fliers or contact the local paper to offer an interview, it's your Marketer who's doing the work of advertising. She's also the one charged with research to see what your peers are up to: how are they marketing themselves? What products are they offering, and can they be adapted to your work-style? What's hot now?
Facing: Customer
The Marketer is the one dealing with patrons, audience, customers. You should always have your best face forward for them!
Outsourcing Potential: Medium-to-High.
Of all the roles you've got, Marketing and Advertising can respond the best to outsourcing (in my experience). You can hire people to run and create your website. You can buy books or read blogs that basically tell you what kind of products to sell or how to sell them. You can hire advertising firms, if you're so minded. The problem? It's very expensive. It also means your marketing is less customized to your product and work-style, which can become a problem (more on that in another entry).
Creative and Internal
Nose to the grindstone in your studio! Here's the raison d'etre for the whole business.
• Creation
Your number one job as an artist is to make stuff. That's probably the reason we all signed up for this, after all. But this is ironclad: you really have to make things. You can't sit in a studio and think about making things. You can't say you're going to make things and never get around to it. You can't make things irregularly. If you're doing this as full-time work, you should be sitting in a chair doing it for most of the day.
• Research
Your other job as an artist is research. Not just what other artists are doing, though that can be helpful. You should be researching your craft (has some new technology come out that's made things easier or better? Is there a new technique you can learn somewhere?). You should be experimenting, both with the art itself and with the processes you use to create it. Your goal should be to develop as an artist, because there's no holding steady. You're either improving or stagnating. Entropy is law in this universe, and you are no less subject to it than anything else.
• Practice
Related to research is practice: you should be improving your skills. This relates not just to technique, but how quickly you can turn your work around. Practice is also the only thing that will allow you to learn to estimate your time-per-project, an essential skill: this will allow you to set realistic deadlines and feed data to the Marketer about how much time it takes for you to create something.
Facing: Internal
Your creative self should be quieter than your other selves when interacting with people; by nature most people's inner Artists are passionate and that passion can often clash badly with your need to be an empathic salesperson. A lot of artists also find that talking about their work gets in the way of them doing it: they lose their interest after discussing it, or they find themselves discussing it as a way to procrastinate.
Outsourcing Potential: Low
Only you can do the work!
Now that we've met the three Micahs we're ready to move on! In Part 2, we'll cover Products and how the three roles interact with them. I hope you're enjoying it so far!