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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives

Re: Hmmmmmm....

Posted By: Jim Wilson
Saturday, 8 April 2006, at 7:45 p.m.

In Response To: Hmmmmmm.... (MaaMaw)

Hey Maw,

A year or so ago when I had AuctionHints redone one of the portions of the "deal" was that I would "place a link on the site to drive traffic to his (website)"

When I asked why he explained that when you tie in one site with another it doesn't hurt the PR of the higher but does serve to raise the PR of the new website.

I have "used" AuctionHints for this several times since then both for my own websites as well as for contractors. (sort of an advertising fee)

One of my concerns was with the search engines. Would this move somehow mess up my overall SEO?

I was assured that it would not and sure enough, here some 14 months later, I have seen my SEO improve and no less than 4 websites have benefitted from my more powerful and higher ranked PR site. The proof lay in my newest website, OnlineArticleConnection. It is less than 2 weeks since actual launch and it is already a PR 3. Traffic has been steadily increasing and I have little doubt that by the time I opt to remove the link on AuctionHints it will be at least a PR 4.

There is also one more side note on this matter.

If you market domains and websites one of the things that get checked is the PR. The higher the PR the more the perceived value. Look at SEDO at the websites with PR 3 and better versus those with none.


I was assured that I am in no way hurting AuctionHints and, while PR is not the true indicator of the success or failure of an online business endeavor, it does give an indication of the importance of the website to the search engines. "Pagerank is the measure of how important a website is online" according to Google's own definition. The higher the number the better.

The FIB, the last time I looked, was a solid PR 5 and I don't know any reason why you can't use that to your advantage. Perhaps not a permanent link but at least one that, for awhile, carries the new site to a higher PR. (note that is also a PR 5 but for any other new sites you launch this is at least something to think about)

Let me know what you think,

PR 3 Already! (and will keep getting higher!)

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