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FIB - Scams 101 - Ye Olde Archives

Government Targets Work-at-Home Scams

Posted By: h8scams
Tuesday, 22 February 2005, at 6:17 p.m.

Crackdown targets work-at-home scams
Action taken against 200 operations, including 'cashless ATMs'

From Paul Courson
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Authorities have cracked down on scores of "scam artists" across the United States who cheated thousands of consumers out of millions of dollars with illegal business ventures, officials said Tuesday.

A combination of criminal and civil actions have been leveled in state and federal courts against more than 200 questionable operations in 14 states, they said.

Federal Trade Commission Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras said the coordinated push was called Project Biz Opp Flop, and noted that "business opportunity fraud is big business."

"In the FTC's 16 cases alone, tens of thousands of consumers collectively lost over $100 million," Majoras said during a news conference at agency headquarters.

The operations included vending machine businesses and work-at-home schemes involving refrigerator magnets, medical billing, Web design and envelope-stuffing, the FTC said.

One scam peddled an expensive apparatus called a cashless automated teller machine, a seeming oxymoron that drew laughter from reporters.

But telephone solicitors working a "boiler-room" style of operation teamed up to persuade victims to pay money for the machines, according to U.S. Attorney Marcos Jimenez.

"They make it make sense to these folks," Jimenez told reporters. "Then they turn them over to distributors, or closers, who are these other professional scam artists who are trained and expert at closing deals and getting people to send them the $10,000, the $5,000 or whatever it is to start up their own cashless ATM business."

Assistant Attorney General Peter Keisler said that in some cases people buy into a questionable business plan because there is no benchmark as to how much money can be made.

"It's much easier than you think," Keisler said. "We've talked to these people, these are not unintelligent people. I think we all tend to be more easily persuaded by things we want to believe, and the people on the other side of these phone calls have really reduced this to a fine art."

Many of the people taken in by the scams are reached at home, and they include the elderly and immigrant populations, especially those in need of fast, easy cash.

Officials said that even when scam artists are caught, there is little hope to recover the money invested, because the criminals behind the activity often spend victims' cash on expanding the illicit business, and for illegal drugs and prostitutes.

One case announced Tuesday involved a civil lawsuit against American Entertainment Distributors. The firm's leaders are accused of committing fraud by trying to sell machines that would reputedly be located in hotel lobbies to sell DVDs that a guest could play in the room.

Authorities gave CNN audio recordings and transcripts of an undercover investigator's exchange with one of the accused company's principals. In it, the man is heard advising the agent to set up "a really big room," suggesting many telephone solicitors making the pitch to potential victims.

To measure risk versus revenue in the proposed scam, the man said that "before anything happens, like about 30 complaints coming in, there's already $20 million in the [expletive] door."

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(you know who you are... you scream "Foul!" when the truth comes out)
        PLEASE READ THIS LEGAL NOTICE CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU FILE A LAWSUIT OR EVEN WASTE TIME THINKING ABOUT IT.  It has been done before, but never successfully.  In fact, the last dodobird who tried it ended up being ordered to pay more than $77,000 in attorney fees ($65,000+ to my attorneys and $12,000+ to my co-defendant's legal advisor).
        If your attorney is worth his salt, he's going to tell you that the expense of filing a lawsuit you can't win is a whole lot worse than any "damages" resulting from messages posted on this insignificant little chunk of cyberspace.
        NEWS FLASH:  I didn't just climb down off that ol' turnip truck yesterday.  I'm well aware that expressing a negative opinion, relating one's personal experience, and restating provable facts are all legal in this country and do not constitute libel, slander, or defamation -- so you don't want to play games with me, and you sure don't want to start something you aren't prepared to finish.  I don't take threats lightly, and I don't accept bribes (or did you call it a "mutually-beneficial arrangement"?).  I'll turn you in faster than you can yell, "ARREST ME, I'M SCUM!!" 
        Do yourself a favor and turn your legal team loose in greener pastures.

        Although we may, from time to time, monitor or review discussions, postings and the like on the Friends In Business (Scams 101) Message Board, we are under no obligation to do so.  We are not responsible or liable for any claim arising from the content of any such discussions or postings or for any error, defamation, libel, slander, omission, falsehood, obscenity, pornography, profanity, danger, or inaccuracy contained in any information contained within such locations on the Site.
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        By posting messages and/or content on the Friends In Business (Scams 101) Message Board, you give permission for Lesley Fountain/Friends In Business/Shoestring Success Publications to display, distribute and use the posting and content for publication, advertising, promotion, excerption or example. You grant Lesley Fountain/Friends In Business/Shoestring Success Publications complete, perpetual, but non-exclusive rights to use, archive, reproduce, adapt, modify, distribute, sub-license, repurpose, rework, compile, or offer for sale or resale the messages, postings or content appearing on this site in whole or in part, throughout the world and universe, on a royalty-free basis without remuneration.  If you cannot accept or agree with the terms of service for this website and discussion board, you are advised not to post on this board.
        In closing, I would like to remind you once again that it is still legal, in this great country of ours, to express a PERSONAL OPINION, as long as it is presented as opinion and not as fact.
        And finally, all you scammers out there will do well to remember that TRUTH IS AN ABSOLUTE DEFENSE against charges of libel, defamation, and slander... so if you're operating just a hop, skip, and jump ahead of the law, you might want to think twice before doing anything stupid... (AND SHAME ON YOU!!).